PRESENTER: Presenter
Applicant: Bryan Spielman
Owner: Drake Thompson
DDP25-024 Approval of the Hueco Springs Ranch Planned Development District (HSRPD) Detail Plan consisting of approximately 66 acres out of the Edwardo Hernandez Survey No.454, Abstract 263, currently addressed as 392 Hueco Springs Loop Rd.
DEPARTMENT: Planning and Development Services
Case No: DDP25-024
Applicant: Bryan Spielman, (210) 375-9000,
Owner: Drake Thompson, (210) 490-1798,
Staff Contact: Mary Lovell, (830) 221-4051,
The subject property is approximately 66 acres and is located less than half of a mile from the intersection of Hueco Springs Loop Road and State Highway 46.
On October 2, 2024, the applicant requested a change in zoning on the subject property from R-1A-6.6 to a Planned Development District (PD). The Hueco Springs Ranch Planned Development District (HSRPD) was approved by the City Council on January 13, 2025.
The applicant has submitted the required Detail Plan (similar to a site plan) that must be approved by the Planning Commission before platting and issuance of building permits. Staff has reviewed the Detail Plan and has determined that it is in compliance with the Hueco Springs Ranch Planned Development District (HSRPD) Concept Plan and Development Standards.
The Planning Commission is authorized to approve a detail plan for property for which a concept plan has been approved by the City Council. The Planning Commission shall approve the detail plan if it finds that:
• The plan complies with the concept plan approved for the property and the standards and conditions of the PD district (The detail plan complies with the approved concept plan and development standards that include lot size, width and depth.)
• The plan provides for a compatible arrangement of buildings and land uses and would not adversely affect adjoining neighborhoods or properties outside the plan; (The proposed plan is compatible with surrounding land uses and there should be no adverse effect on adjacent property.)
• The plan provides for adequate and safe circulation of vehicular traffic. (Adequate access and street connections to adjacent property are provided in the detail plan.)
The Detail Plan is consistent with the following actions from Envision New Braunfels:
• Action 1.3: Encourage balanced and fiscally responsible land use patterns.
• Action 2.1: Sustain community livability for all ages and economic backgrounds.
• Action 3.1: Plan for healthy jobs/housing balance.
• Action 3.13: Cultivate an environment where a healthy mix of different housing products at a range of sizes, affordability, densities, amenities and price points can be provided across the community as well as within individual developments.
• Action 3.15: Incentivize home development that is affordable and close to schools, jobs and transportation.
• Action 3.3: Balance commercial centers with stable neighborhoods.
• Action 3.6: Proactively provide a regulatory framework that remains business and resident friendly.
Future Land Use Plan: The subject property lies within the Hoffman Lane Subarea.
☒Economic Mobility ☐Enhanced Connectivity ☐Community Identity
☐Organizational Excellence ☐Community Well-Being ☐N/A
• Economic Mobility: Incentivize mixed-use developments and redevelopments in targeted locations to create a built environment with integrated housing, commercial centers, and opportunities for improved connectivity.
The Detail Plan is in compliance with the Hueco Springs Ranch Planned Development District (HSRPD) Concept Plan and Development Standards. Approval is recommended with the following condition:
1. Development of the site shall be in compliance with all city codes that are in effect at the time of development, such as drainage, landscaping, tree preservation, and irrigation, including city standards for the design and construction of streets and public improvements.
Resource Links:
• Chapter 144, Sec. 3.5 (PDD) of the City’s Code of Ordinances: <>