PRESENTER: Presenter
Scott McClelland, Transportation and Capital Improvements Assistant Director
Approval of the issuance of an invitation for competitive sealed proposal for San Antonio Street (Academy to Walnut) and Bergfeld Avenue, and Citywide Pedestrian Improvements Package 2 since the City Council finds that these delivery methods will provide the best value to the City.
DEPARTMENT: Transportation and Capital Improvements
San Antonio (Walnut Ave. to Academy Ave.): The City has been evaluating options to address the failing pavement section on San Antonio Street from Walnut Avenue to Academy Avenue. The City hired Terracon to perform a new geotechnical analysis and pavement section recommendation for the roadway. The pavement designs were evaluated by Public Works and Transportation and Capital Improvements based on estimated cost and time to construct. City Staff is recommending a proposed design that includes a full hot mix asphalt section that fully replaces the existing pavement section. Transportation and Capital Improvements plans to bid the project in early summer.
Bergfeld: The Bergfeld project is the installation of an in-pipe stormwater filtration system at the terminus of Bergfeld Avenue at UPRR to serve as a pilot for reducing E. coli in the stormwater runoff in the Dry Comal Creek and Comal River. This project was designed by Arcadis and is being completed as part of the Watershed Protection Plan.
Citywide Pedestrian Improvements Package 2: Funded by the New Braunfels Economic Development Corporation, Package 2 of the Citywide Pedestrian Improvements Project includes the installation of sidewalks and crosswalks at Klein Road Elementary and New Braunfels Middle School area (Settlers Crossing, Pahmeyer Road and Savannah Hill Circle), Landa Street and Loop 337 Access Road intersection, and Oak Run Parkway and Westpointe Drive intersection.
City staff recommends issuing an invitation for a Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP) as the procurement method for the construction contract. The CSP method allows the City to evaluate the most qualified contractors and the best value for the project.
The recommendation to award the individual construction contracts for these projects will be presented to the City Council for consideration and approval at future Council dates.
Continue an ongoing program of infrastructure construction and maintenance.
☒Economic Mobility ☒Enhanced Connectivity ☐Community Identity
☐Organizational Excellence ☐Community Well-Being ☐N/A
Staff recommends approval of the issuance of an invitation for competitive sealed proposal for the San Antonio Street (Academy to Walnut), Bergfeld Avenue, and Citywide Pedestrian Improvements Package 2 Projects since the City Council finds that these delivery methods will provide the best value to the City.