PRESENTER: Presenter
Garry Ford, Transportation and Capital Improvements Director
Approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Advance Funding Agreement between the City of New Braunfels and the Texas Department of Transportation for the North Solms Road improvements project.
DEPARTMENT: Transportation and Capital Improvements
The City of New Braunfels was awarded construction funding through the Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO) Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) for transportation and pedestrian mobility improvements of Solms Road from approximately the South Bound IH-35 Frontage Road to FM482. The scope will include pavement reconstruction, curb & pedestrian facilities to include sidewalks on both sides, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodations, a traffic signal at FM 482 replacing the existing all-way stop, and drainage infrastructure.
The City Council passed a resolution of support on June 12, 2023, authorizing the project's submission to AAMPO for reimbursable funding. The project was selected for inclusion in the CRP program, which provides 80% of the construction cost. The City will be responsible for the remaining 20% of the construction cost and full project development cost, including design services, environmental, right-of-way, and construction overruns.
Also included with the AAMPO submission was an overmatch contribution of $975,000 to partner with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for freight congestion and mitigation improvement, including the addition of a turn lane and traffic signal improvements at the IH-35 frontage road. This portion of the scope is part of TxDOT’s operational improvements along the IH-35-corridor and is an overlap to the City’s North Solms Road improvements. This is a joint effort to reduce the idling of automobiles and trucks to minimize carbon impact. A portion of this additional contribution will also go to the Citywide Signal Timing project for system-wide traffic signal analysis of idle and congestion.
Provide a system of convenient and safe transportation facilities through comprehensive, cooperative, and continuing transportation system planning and development.
☐Economic Mobility ☒Enhanced Connectivity ☐Community Identity
☒Organizational Excellence ☐Community Well-Being ☐N/A
Carbon footprint reduction
The AFA includes the following initial project estimates:
Construction Cost (100%) $3,878,534
Federal Participation (80%) $2,569,045
Indirect Costs - State Participation $2,363
City Participation (20%) $642,261
Additional City Contribution $613,500 (of the $975,000)
Direct State Costs - City Participation $51,365
City Participation totals $1,307,126, plus construction overages, funded through the 2023 Bond Program.
Staff recommends approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Advance Funding Agreement between the City of New Braunfels and TxDOT for North Solms Road improvements.