PRESENTER: Presenter
Matt Greene, Principal Planner, Planning and Development Services
PZ24-0395 Public hearing and recommendation to City Council regarding proposed amendments to the Mayfair Development and Design Control Document (DDCD) pertaining to maximum driveway width allowance for single-family residential lots sixty feet or greater in width, an update to the Parks Schedule and Master Framework Plan, and revisions to minimum parking requirements.
DEPARTMENT: Planning and Development Services
Case #: PZ24-0395
Applicant/Owner: Southstar at Mayfair, LLC
Thad Rutherford, President/CEO
(830) 261-3276 |
Staff Contact: Matt Greene
(830) 221-4053 |
Mayfair is an 1,880-acre mixed-use development adjacent to City Limits in the ETJ in Comal County. It is situated east of FM 1102, west of FM 1101, south of Woods Path and Watson Lane East, and north of Kohlenberg Road, on both the east and west sides of IH 35 on the north end of New Braunfels. The development is subject to a development agreement entered into between the City and Southstar at Mayfair, LP, approved by the City Council on June 28, 2021, and recorded with the Comal County Clerk on February 9, 2022 and amended and restated on May 6, 2024 (see Resource Link).
The Mayfair development agreement includes design standards, applications, processes and improvements unique to this development. City Council direction on the unique standards of this development were to be a model for future code changes and development inside the city limits, and to implement Envision New Braunfels. It also adopted the Master Framework Plan which established the broad development framework for the project including the location of land uses, parks, schools, utility corridors, major roadways, activity nodes, project boundaries and other items shown on the Master Framework Plan. One of the exhibits to the Development Agreement is the Development and Design Control Document (DDCD) that is the primary document regarding the design standards, processes and applications to which all development activity is reviewed and governed (see Resource Link).
Proposed amendments to maximum driveway width
In an effort to address an issue that has arisen with development of some single-family residential lots and to be consistent with a recent adopted revision to the City’s code, the applicant is proposing to amend the maximum driveway width standards for single-family residential lots.
The current maximum driveway width for development of single-family residential lots in Mayfair is 24 feet, regardless of the size of the lot. Some of the design plans for the 60-foot wide and larger lots in Mayfair call for three-car garages. The current maximum driveway width of 24 feet lends to difficulties constructing the driveways in an aesthetically pleasing manner and functioning practically with three-car garages. The applicant is proposing to amend the development standard to allow lots of 60 feet in width or greater to have a maximum driveway width of 30 feet, which is the City’s current standard (see Section 114-98(f)(5) in the Resource Link).
Proposed amendments to the Parks Schedule
The applicant is proposing to change the park classification of Fairway Park (18.8 acres) from “Greenbelt/Conservation Park/Trail”, to “Community Park”. Such an amendment requires updating the symbology, legends, and tables in the Master Framework Plan in Part B of the DDCD (pages IV, 15, 17, 19, and 21) and the Park Dedication/Development Schedule found in Part F, (page 67).
The proposed amendment shifts the acreages and park installation schedules around within the quartiles of the Park Dedication/Development Schedule to reflect a more accurate development schedule. It does not modify the total park acreage or park investments.
Proposed amendments to minimum parking space requirements
On December 9, 2024, the City Council adopted amendments to the City’s parking ordinance, establishing a reduction in the minimum required number of parking spaces for most land uses. The applicant is proposing to amend the minimum parking space requirements in the Mayfair DDCD for certain uses so they will be consistent with the minimum parking space requirements recently amended in the City’s parking ordinance.
• Action 1.3: Encourage balanced and fiscally responsible land use patterns.
• Action 1.5: Promote economic centers by ensuring adequate parking for people to visit businesses/restaurants/shops.
• Action 1.11: Update policies and codes to achieve development patterns that implement the goals of this plan.
• Action 2.33: Encourage vertical growth and development of key areas to take advantage of infrastructure capacity, maintain the core, and to discourage sprawl.
• Action 3.6: Pro-actively provide a regulatory environment that remains business and resident friendly.
• Action 3.19: Improve walkability across town to attract younger generations seeking pedestrian connections.
• Action 4.1: Ensure parks and green spaces are within a one mile walk or bicycle ride for every household in New Braunfels.
• Action 4.2: Maintain a variety of park types: regional, community, neighborhood and greenbelts.
• Action 5.6: Implement measures to achieve and maintain a high National Flood Insurance Program CRS rating to ensure the safety of all residents and to reduce property owner flood insurance rates.
• Action 7.8: Enhance pedestrian quality of the City by limiting the realm of the automobile.
☒Economic Mobility ☐Enhanced Connectivity ☐Community Identity
☐Organizational Excellence ☒Community Well-Being ☐N/A
• Objective: Incentivize mixed-use developments and redevelopments in targeted locations to create a built environment with integrated housing, commercial centers, and opportunities for improved connectivity.
• Objective: Develop capital and staffing investments that improve safety, reduce heat islands, and encourage transportation modes that support healthier lifestyles and exercise such as biking walking and running.
Once annexed, the City would take over ownership and maintenance of the community park.
Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendments to the Mayfair DDCD as the amendments are in accordance with the Development Agreement, the general purpose and intent of the Mayfair development, Envision New Braunfels, the City’s Strategic Plan, and the Land Use Fiscal Analysis.
Mailed notification as required by the development agreement for Comal County Water Improvement District #3.
Public hearing notices were sent to 87 owners of property within the Mayfair development and within 200 feet of the request. To date the city has received no responses.
Resource Links:
• Current Executed Development Agreement for Comal County Water Improvement District No.3:
Development Agreement <>
• Current Mayfair Development and Design Control Document (DDCD):
Mayfair Development Design Document <>
• Chapter 114 - Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places, Section 114-98(f)(5). General Specifications for all Roadways
Chapter 114 <>