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File #: 25-162    Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/30/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/10/2025 Final action: 2/10/2025
Title: Approval of a purchase with SHI, Inc for new for time-keeping software, timeclock hardware (including one year of warranty and support services), as well as integration and implementation services with the City's new ERP software, to include a SaaS contract with ZKT for the timeclock software, and to declare the trade-in equipment as surplus.
Attachments: 1. City of New Braunfels SHI Quote-25698163, 2. ZKTeco MSA (City of New Braunfels)(clean)

PRESENTER: Presenter

Tony Gonzalez, Director of Information Technology




Approval of a purchase with SHI, Inc for new for time-keeping software, timeclock hardware (including one year of warranty and support services), as well as integration and implementation services with the City’s new ERP software, to include a SaaS contract with ZKT for the timeclock software, and to declare the trade-in equipment as surplus.


DEPARTMENT: Information Technology








The City has acquired new Enterprise Resource Planning software and is in the midst of implementation.  The current time keeping software and timeclocks are incompatible with the new system and must be replaced.  The new system being recommended is with ZKT and being purchase through SHI utilizing a cooperative agreement with Omnia Partners. The new system will offer greater flexibility and functionality in regard to time tracking and time entry for employees.  Staff is asking that the old equipment be declared as surplus for the purpose of trade-in.  The contract allows for trade-in of the existing timeclock hardware for a 50% discount.  Additionally, the annual software and support subscription is discounted at approximately 60%.  The total cost of the requested software contract and services for the first year is $72,591.27.  Annual recurring costs starting in FY 2026 will be approximately $18,000.




The need to implement a new and improved ERP software.



Economic Mobility Enhanced Connectivity Community Identity

Organizational Excellence Community Well-Being N/A

[Enter Objectives/Performance Measures Supported]




The cost for this contract and services, $72,591.27, are incorporated into the ERP Project budget, therefore sufficient funds are available.  Additional annual recurring costs of approximately $18,000 will be incorporated into those year’s budgets.




Staff recommends approval of a purchase with SHI, Inc for new for time-keeping software, timeclock hardware (including one year of warranty and support services), as well as integration and implementation services with the City’s new ERP software, to include a SaaS contract with ZKT for the timeclock software, and to declare the trade-in equipment as surplus.