PRESENTER: Presenter
Stephanie Chelar, Recreation Services Manager
Approval of the second and final reading of an ordinance regarding Youth Program Standards of Care for the Parks and Recreation Department.
DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation Department
The Parks and Recreation Department plans to offer elementary-age day camp programs for children ages 5-13, as has been done for many years. The Texas Legislature requires municipal day camp programs for these ages to meet day care licensing requirements or file for an exemption (Section 42.041 (b) (14) of the Human Resources Code).
To receive exempt status, a municipality must submit a copy of program standards, a notice of a public hearing for the program and a copy of the ordinance adopting the standards.
Youth Programs Standards of Care will provide basic childcare regulations for day camp activities operated by the New Braunfels Parks and Recreation Department. This will allow the department to qualify as exempt from requirements of the Texas Human Resources Code.
The Standards of Care will include:
• Staff ratios
• Minimum staff qualifications
• Minimum facility, health, and safety standards
• Mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing the adopted local standards
• Provide notice to parents that the day camp program is not licensed by the state
The Standards of Care will apply to all locations where programs are offered including Das Rec, Landa Recreation Center, Seele Elementary School, Westside Community Center and Fischer Park Nature Center.
Minor updates to items in the Standards of Care as follows:
I. Noted our software that is used for check in and check out .
a. IV. G: Camp staff will monitor the sign in/out log at all times. This is done with the use of a software program for verifying identity of the approved guardians.
b. V. D: Sign in-sign out will be utilized with software every day. Only adults listed on sign-in/out release will be allowed to pick up children. An authorized person must enter the facility and sign out the child for staff to release the child.
II. Consistencies with verbiage of all staff in all job descriptions needing CPR/First aid/AED training, as well as needing a background check
a. Must possess or be able to obtain within six months of employment: Community First Aid and Safety/Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) / Automated External Defibrillator (AED) certification.
b. Must pass City criminal background check prior to hiring.
III. Updated wording about tennis shoes being required to "All participants must wear appropriate clothing, including footwear, for the activity."
IV. Updated verbiage about comment cards, as they are no longer used.
a. "Camp staff will take it upon themselves to resolve complaints. Do not refer customer to another staff person. Try to solve the complaint if possible. If not, please refer them to the supervisor on duty."
V. Verbiage added about weather conditions.
a. IV. E.: Camp staff will keep parents continuously informed of camp activities and schedules as much as possible. Staff will plan activities based upon the weather and have options in case of inclement weather or high/low temperate.
Staff recommends approval of the first reading of an ordinance regarding Youth Program Standards of Care.