PRESENTER: Presenter
Jennifer Gates, Grants Coordinator
Approval to accept a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation to the Transportation & Capital Improvements department; authorization for the City Manager or approved designee to execute all contract documents associated with the grant; and approval of the associated budget amendment.
The City’s adopted 2024-2029 Strategic Plan includes objectives to identify and establish planning, capital, and operating funding to support and maintain a well-connected transportation network serving pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, children, older individuals, individuals with disabilities, motorists, and freight vehicles (Enhanced Connectivity), and considering statutory and market-based factors, continue to diversify revenue streams to support long-term fiscal sustainability of the Organization (Organizational Excellence).
Therefore, after receipt of City Council’s approval in May 2024, City staff submitted a grant application to the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) for their Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary program, supported by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). The SS4A program is designed to assist governmental entities in their implementation, planning, and demonstration activities as part of a systematic approach to prevent deaths and serious injuries on the nation’s roadways. As such, staff applied for ‘Planning and Demonstration’ grant funding to support the City’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Network Plan, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan, components within the recently adopted New Braunfels Street Safety Action Plan.
On September 9, 2024, City received notification of award for a total of $875,000 with a 20% City match requirement. Therefore, staff is requesting City Council approval to accept the awarded grant, authorization for the City Manager or approved designee to execute all contract documents associated with the award of the grant, and for Council approval of associated amendments to the City’s FY 2025 Budget to incorporate the increased revenue and expenditures associated with the awarded grant.
Budget Amendment - Grant Fund
Increase Revenue
• Federal: $700,000
• Interfund Transfers: $175,000
Increase Expenditures: $875,000
Continue to develop programs and safety measures to help meet the goals of the adopted Street Safety Action Plan through the use of Federal grants.
☐Economic Mobility ☒Enhanced Connectivity ☐Community Identity
☒Organizational Excellence ☐Community Well-Being ☐N/A
(Enhanced Connectivity) Identify and establish planning, capital, and operating funding to support and maintain a well-connected transportation network serving pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, children, older individuals, individuals with disabilities, motorists, and freight vehicles, and (Organizational Excellence) considering statutory and market-based factors, continue to diversify revenue streams to support long-term fiscal sustainability of the Organization.
The total grant award is for $875,000, of which the granting agency will reimburse 80% ($700,000) of eligible costs. The 20% City match requirement ($175,000) has been included in the Transportation & Capital Improvement Department’s FY 2025 Adopted Budget. Therefore, sufficient funds are available to support all eligible costs as described above.
Staff recommends approval to accept a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation to the Transportation & Capital Improvements department; authorization for the City Manager or approved designee to execute all contract documents associated with the grant; and approval of associated budget amendments to the General Fund and Grant Fund.