PRESENTER: Presenter
Applicant: Crown Castle
Owner: Vincent Gerard & Associates
SUP24-354 Public hearing and recommendation to City Council to rezone 0.15 acres out of the Jahn Addition Subdivision, New City Block 1022, Block 11, Lot 1, from M-1 (Light Industrial District) to M-1 SUP (Light Industrial District with a Special Use Permit for a Telecommunications Tower), currently addressed at 514 S Castell Ave.
DEPARTMENT: Planning and Development Services
Case No: SUP24-354
Vincent Gerard & Associates
(512) 328-2693 |
Crown Castle
(713) 570-3060 |
Staff Contact:
Amanda Mushinski, CNU-A
(830) 221-4056 |
The subject property is 0.15 acres in size located on the southwest side of S Castell Ave, less than 1 block southeast of Old City Hall and the New Braunfels Recycling Center, and 1 block southeast of the New Braunfels Civic Center.
The subject property is bordered by zoning districts including M-1 and C-2. Adjacent land uses consist of Single-Family Residences and multiple Commercial Properties.
The applicant seeks a Special Use Permit (SUP) to construct a 135-ft monopole telecommunications tower to replace the existing 120-ft City Hall tower. The applicant states that the proposed tower will provide critical wireless and emergency communication services, including FirstNet for first responders, and allow for co-location of multiple service providers. Additionally, the tower will accommodate municipal emergency communications systems.
According to Section 144-5.7-6 of the New Braunfels Code of Ordinances, the City Council evaluates several factors when deciding whether to issue a special use permit. The Council may waive or reduce some criteria if it better aligns with the chapter’s goals. Considerations include the proposed tower’s height, proximity to residential structures and district boundaries, the nature of nearby properties, surrounding topography, tree coverage, and the design’s ability to minimize visual impact. The Council also assesses whether existing towers or structures could meet the same needs.
The proposed tower is designed to support three or more users, ensuring adequate service coverage, including FirstNet for first responders. The proposed setback of 37 feet from the nearest residential property requires a Special Use Permit to deviate from the standard of tower height plus 25 feet. An engineered fall zone assessment confirms the structure’s safety, and screening measures are planned to reduce its visual impact on nearby residences.
The applicant has demonstrated the lack of suitable existing towers or structures in the area, emphasizing the need for this new tower to maintain service continuity and provide co-location opportunities.
The Special Use Permit would be consistent with the following action from Envision New Braunfels:
• Action Item 1.7: Target infrastructure investments to support a growing population in preferred locations.
Future Land Use Plan: The subject property is located within the New Braunfels Sub Area, within the Transitional Mixed-Use Corridor, near existing Civic, Education, Employment, and Outdoor Recreation Centers.
☐Economic Mobility ☐Enhanced Connectivity ☐Community Identity
☐Organizational Excellence ☐Community Well-Being ☒N/A
Staff recommends approval with the following conditions:
1. Landscaping and screening shall comply with the submitted plans.
2. The maximum height of the monopole telecommunications tower shall be 135 ft.
3. The property will remain in compliance with the approved site plan. Any significant changes to the site plan will require a revision to the SUP.
Mailed notification as required by state statute:
Public hearing notices were sent to owners of 12 properties within 200 feet of the request. As of the date this agenda was posted, the city has received no responses.
Resource Links:
• Chapter 144, Sec. 3.3-11 (M-1) of the City’s Code of Ordinances: <>
• Chapter 144, Sec. 3.6 (SUP) of the City's Code of Ordinances: <>
• Chapter 144, Sec. 5.7 (Telecommunication towers/antennas) of the City's Code of Ordinances: <>