PRESENTER: Presenter
Matthew Simmont, AICP, Planning Manager
Approval of the second and final reading of an ordinance regarding the proposed rezoning of approximately 66 acres out of the Edwardo Hernandez Survey No.454, Abstract 263, from R-1A-6.6 (Single-Family District) to Hueco Springs Ranch Planned Development District (HSRPD), currently addressed as 392 Hueco Springs Loop Rd.
DEPARTMENT: Planning and Development Services
Case No: DCP24-284
Applicant: Brooke Lindholm
(210) 375-9000 |
Owner: Drake Thompson
(210) 490-1798 |
Staff Contact: Mary Lovell
(830) 221-4051 |
The City Council held a public hearing on December 9, 2024 and unanimously approved the first reading of the applicant’s requested rezoning ordinance (7-0-0).
The subject property is approximately 66 acres and is located less than half of a mile from the intersection of Hueco Springs Loop Road and State Highway 46. The property is surrounded by vacant land to the north, east and west and single-family residences to the south. In addition, the property borders the city’s ETJ area on the north and east.
The applicant is requesting a change in zoning on the subject property from R-1A-6.6 to a Planned Development District (PD). The PD is a free-standing zoning district designed to provide for the development of land as an integral unit for single or mixed uses that may vary from the established regulations of other zoning districts. Such a district intends to ensure compliance with good zoning practices while allowing certain desirable departures from the strict provisions of traditional zoning.
If the rezoning is approved for PD, a Detail Plan (similar to a site plan) will be required to be submitted to the City and approved by the Planning Commission before issuing a building permit for the construction of the development. The property will also need to be platted before obtaining a building permit.
The subject property is located approximately one-half mile from State Highway 46, a state roadway with a Principal Arterial classification. The property will have direct access from Hueco Springs Loop Road, an existing Minor Arterial with a 120-foot width right-of-way requirement. A portion of the road is included in the Regional Transportation Plan and will be realigned as shown on the applicant’s concept plan. At the time of the subject property’s platting, a roadway dedication of approximately 3 acres will be required.
The PD concept plan submitted by the applicant includes residential, commercial, parks, and open/drainage space. The applicant indicates that the PD will have 50 acres assigned to single-family residential lots, 1.88 acres assigned to neighborhood commercial development along the frontage of Hueco Springs Loop Road, and 3.89 acres assigned to parks. Specifically, a 1.54-acre community park, a 1.95-acre linear park, and 0.40 acre of pocket parks are planned. Approximately 10 acres of open space will also be dispersed throughout the development to ensure adequate drainage.
The residential component of the PD proposes a maximum of 215 single-family residential lots which results in a density of 3.53 dwelling units per acre. Four-foot wide internal sidewalks are planned as well as a 6-foot wide walking path that will create a 3,225-foot linear park. Each residential lot will have a landscape requirement of planting two, 2-inch caliper trees.
As part of this rezoning request, the applicant is requesting a deviation from the maximum block length of 1200 feet. The applicant proposes increasing the block length maximum to 1600 feet and will arrange the streets and blocks in a curvilinear pattern that will allow the parkland to be sited in the center of the development. The applicant has indicated that there will be a connectivity ratio that will be met to ensure that long blocks utilize trails and paths to increase walkability and access.
The area planned for commercial development will follow the design standards and use allowances included in the C-1A (Neighborhood Commercial District) described in Chapter 144.
The rezoning request is consistent with the following actions from Envision New Braunfels:
• Action 1.3: Encourage balanced and fiscally responsible land use patterns.
• Action 2.1: Sustain community livability for all ages and economic backgrounds.
• Action 3.1: Plan for healthy jobs/housing balance.
• Action 3.13: Cultivate an environment where a healthy mix of different housing products at a range of sizes, affordability, densities, amenities and price points can be provided across the community as well as within individual developments.
• Action 3.15: Incentivize home development that is affordable and close to schools, jobs and transportation.
• Action 3.3: Balance commercial centers with stable neighborhoods.
• Action 3.6: Pro actively provide a regulatory framework that remains business and resident friendly.
Future Land Use Plan: The subject property lies within the Hoffman Lane Sub-area.
☒Economic Mobility ☒Enhanced Connectivity ☐Community Identity
☐Organizational Excellence ☒Community Well-Being ☐N/A
• Economic Mobility: Identify and secure a mid-to-long-term leasing or ownership opportunity for a business incubator to help foster the development of new, locally grown businesses and support entrepreneurship.
• Enhanced Connectivity: Coordinate land use with strategic investments in multimodal transportation, so residents and visitors can travel safely and easily throughout the City.
• Community Well-Being: Implement services that enhance health and well-being to improve overall quality of life for residents.
Staff recommends approval, subject to the condition of adding a requirement for a connectivity ratio. This will help offset the proposed block length maximum of 1600 feet and enhance walkability. The connectivity ratio will provide options for walkable connections to access the proposed trails and parkland by ensuring appropriate connections of pedestrian paths. The proposed PD aligns with the goals outlined in Envision New Braunfels, particularly in promoting balanced land use patterns and enhancing community livability. Additionally, the proposed parks and trails align with the strategic focus on community well-being. The proposed planned development, being close to other residential developments and major roads will help increase economic growth, improve quality of life with community amenities, and expand housing options.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 2, 2024 and recommended approval (5-2-1). After the hearing, the applicant postponed the first reading to City Council and met with the adjacent property owners to provide more information regarding the planned development concept plan.
Mailed notification as required by state statute:
Public hearing notices were sent to owners of 22 properties within 200 feet of the request. At the time of the agenda posting, the city has received responses of opposition representing less than 20%.
Resource Links:
• Chapter 144, Sec. 3.4-2 (R-1A-6.6) of the City’s Code of Ordinances: <>
• Chapter 144, Sec. 3.4-12 (C-1A) of the City’s Code of Ordinances: <>
• Chapter 144, Sec. 3.5 (PDD) of the City’s Code of Ordinances: <>