Garry Ford, City Engineer
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Discuss and consider approval of the installation of speed humps or other traffic calming measures on Hanz Drive within the Cotton Crossing subdivision.
Council District: 4
Citizens submitted a request for the installation of speed humps on Hanz Drive within the Cotton Crossing subdivision. Hanz Drive is classified as a minor collector in the 2012 City of New Braunfels Regional Transportation Plan. The request was evaluated based on petition, operational and geometric requirements established in the City of New Braunfels Speed Hump Policy approved in 1999.
Twenty-four signatures were required to meet the two-thirds requirement, and 25 signatures were received. An operational requirement in the policy is that the 85th percentile speed must be at least 5 miles per hour over the regulatory speed limit of 30 mph. Traffic data collected over a four-day period, including the weekend, showed the 85th percentile speed of 34 miles per hour which does not meet the speed criteria in the Speed Hump Policy. These requirements are listed in the attachment to this report.
The Speed Hump Policy also requires proposed speed humps on a street to be approved by the emergency services departments. The New Braunfels Fire Department and the New Braunfels Police Department do not recommend the installation of speed humps due to the potential for a significant impact on response times because Hanz Drive is regularly used during emergency responses. Additionally, the Police Department voiced concerns about the potential for drivers to cut through on the slip street in the 1600 block of Hanz Drive to go around the speed humps in that location.
If the request is approved, the street will be placed on the list of streets eligible for speed hump installation for up to three years. Speed hump projects will be prioritized according to the criteria established in the Speed Hump Policy. The Speed Hump Policy also states that the alteration or removal of speed humps requires the same petition process as the installation request, with at least two-thirds of all adjacent households and businesses in favor of speed hump removal. The city will not provide any funding for the removal of speed humps if it is requested.
The item was presented to the Transportation and Traffic Advisory Board at their meeting on July 11, 2019. Numerous residents spoke of the concerns they have about speeding, motorcycles driving through, through trucks, and vehicles driving two to three abreast down Hanz Drive. The Board voted for staff to evaluate traffic calming options other than speeds humps for Hanz Drive. Staff stated that since the traffic data does not meet the speed threshold for speed humps, staff would present the item to City Council to approve speed humps or direct staff to work with the Board and community on traffic calming options.
Staff has begun requesting approval for the speed hump locations from individual property owners to help expedite the timeline for installation if speed humps are approved by City Council. As of the date of writing this report, two property owners in the 1400 block of Hanz Drive have approved the proposed location and staff has not yet heard from the third directly affected property owner. Two property owners adjacent to the proposed location in the 1600 block of Hanz Drive are opposed to the proposed speed hump location due to noise and pollution concerns. Staff will continue to work with property owners to find a location that meets the requirements in the speed hump policy and is approved by adjacent property owners.
The City has specific funding for the installation of speed humps. This is the third speed hump request for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
Envision New Braunfels Strategy 7: Connect All: Action 7.16: Develop a program and process for consideration of citizen requests for neighborhood traffic calming.
Speed hump installation cost including speed cushions, signing and pavement markings for two sets of speed humps costs approximately $14,000 to $18,000 depending on location.
This item was considered and discussed by the Transportation and Traffic Advisory Board at their meeting on July 11, 2019. The Board unanimously passed a motion for staff to evaluate options for different traffic calming measures on Hanz Drive.
Staff does not recommend approval of speed humps on Hanz Drive as it does not meet the speed criteria established in the Speed Hump Policy.