PRESENTER: Presenter
Matthew Simmont, AICP Planning Manager
Public hearing and first reading of an ordinance to rezone approximately 25 acres out of the Oakwood Baptist Church Subdivision, Block 1, Lot 1R, from APD (Agricultural/Pre-development District) and C-1 (Local Business District) to C-1B (General Business District), currently addressed at 2154 Loop 337
DEPARTMENT: Planning and Development Services
Drake Thompson
(210) 490-1798 |
Roxi Vanstory
(830) 625-0267 |
Staff Contact:
Amanda Mushinski, CNU-A
(830) 221-4056 |
The subject 25-acre tract is located on the northwest side of Loop 337, an existing expressway, and about 200 feet southwest of the intersection of Loop 337 and Word Parkway. Currently the location of Oakwood Church, the applicant is requesting a change in zoning from APD (Agricultural/Pre-development District) and C-1 (Local Business District) to C-1B (General Business District).
The subject property is surrounded on three sides by the Veramendi Water Improvement District. Adjacent land uses include undeveloped land within Veramendi and residences across Loop 337.
The submitted application indicates that the proposed zoning change is intended to allow for development under C-1B which allows for a broad range of office and retail uses. The change in zoning will provide consistent zoning on the property and will accommodate the proposed building height of a planned worship center.
C-1B would be consistent with the following actions from Envision New Braunfels:
• Action 1.3: Encourage balanced and fiscally responsible land use patterns.
• Action 3.1: Plan for healthy jobs/housing balance.
• Action 3.3: Balance commercial centers with stable neighborhoods.
• Action 3.6: Pro actively provide a regulatory framework that remains business and resident friendly.
Future Land Use Plan: The subject property is located within the New Braunfels Sub Area, along a Transitional Mixed-Use Corridor, near existing Civic, Education, Outdoor Recreation, and Employment Centers, and near a future Market Center.
☒Economic Mobility ☒Enhanced Connectivity ☐Community Identity
☐Organizational Excellence ☒Community Well-Being ☐N/A
• Economic Mobility - Objective: Support Confluence, the New Braunfels Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Strategic Plan, by helping to ensure a community that supports the targeted industries and increases the diversity of job opportunities in the community.
• Community Well-Being - Objective: Develop capital and staffing investments that improve safety, reduce heat islands, and encourage transportation modes that support healthier lifestyles and exercise such as biking, walking and running.
• Enhanced Connectivity - Objective: Implement improved local and regional public transportation services to connect the community to employment, education, healthcare, recreational and other destinations.
Staff recommends approval. The subject property on the northwest side of Loop 337 near Word Parkway, is along a Transitional Mixed-Use Corridor that supports a mix of office, retail, and commercial uses. The Veramendi Master Framework Plan identifies a major collector and minor arterial (Word Parkway) adjacent to the property, enhancing its connectivity and development potential.
The requested zoning allows for continued religious use of the property in addition to a broad range of office and retail uses that can contribute to economic growth opportunities. Its location near residential neighborhoods, vacant land, and existing infrastructure ensures compatibility with surrounding uses while promoting balanced land use patterns. For these reasons, staff recommends approval of the zoning change.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 4, 2025, and unanimously recommended approval of the applicant’s request (9-0).
Resource Links:
• Chapter 144, Sec. 3.3-7 (C-1) of the City’s Code of Ordinances: <>
• Chapter 144, Sec. 3.4-1 (APD) of the City’s Code of Ordinances: <>
• Chapter 144, Sec. 3.4-13 (C-1B) of the City’s Code of Ordinances: <>