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File #: 25-05    Name:
Type: Recommendation Status: Consent Item Ready
File created: 12/17/2024 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 1/7/2025 Final action:
Title: PZ24-0396 Public hearing and recommendation to City Council to rezone approximately 10.43 acres out of the Orilla Russell Survey, Abstract No. 485, from APD AH (Agricultural/Pre-development District with Airport Hazard Overlay) to M-1A AH (Light Industrial District with Airport Hazard Overlay), currently addressed at 3137 FM 1102.
Attachments: 1. City Maps, 2. Districts Comparison Table, 3. Subject Property Photos, 4. Notification Map, List & Responses

PRESENTER: Presenter

Applicant: James Ingalls, P.E.

Owner: Johnnie F. Row



PZ24-0396 Public hearing and recommendation to City Council to rezone approximately 10.43 acres out of the Orilla Russell Survey, Abstract No. 485, from APD AH (Agricultural/Pre-development District with Airport Hazard Overlay) to M-1A AH (Light Industrial District with Airport Hazard Overlay), currently addressed at 3137 FM 1102.


DEPARTMENT: Planning and Development Services





Applicant:                      James Ingalls, P.E.

(830) 358-7127 |


Owner:                       Johnnie F. Row

                                          (836) 606-8292


Staff Contact: Mary Lovell

 (830) 221-4051|                     


The subject property is approximately 10.43 acres located northeast of the intersection of FM 1102 and Orion Drive. The applicant requests a zoning change from APD (Agricultural/Pre-Development District) to M-1A (Light Industrial District).


The surrounding properties are zoned M-2A (Heavy Industrial District) to the north and C-1B (General Business District) to the south. There is land outside city limits to the west. Currently, undeveloped land surrounds the subject property in all directions. The City’s new Northwest Park under planning and development lies across the highway and railroad tracks to the northeast.



The applicant’s request indicates the purpose of the zoning change request is to allow for future commercial development. This request is in alignment with the following recommendations and strategies of the Land Use Fiscal Analysis:

                     Rezone large vacant agricultural tracts to allow development that generates net positive revenue.


In addition, the requested zoning would be consistent with the following actions from Envision New Braunfels:

                     Action 1.3: Encourage balanced and fiscally responsible land use patterns.

                     Action 3.1: Plan for healthy jobs/housing balance.

                     Action 3.3: Balance commercial centers with stable neighborhoods.

                     Action 3.6: Proactively provide a regulatory framework that remains business and resident friendly.


Future Land Use Plan: The subject property is located within the Oak Creek Sub Area near an existing Employment Center.



Economic Mobility Enhanced Connectivity Community Identity

Organizational Excellence Community Well-Being N/A

                     Economic Mobility: Incentivize mixed-use developments and redevelopments in targeted locations to create a built environment with integrated housing, commercial centers, and opportunities for improved connectivity.



An increase in development opportunities from rezoning will allow net positive revenue per acre.



Staff recommends approval of the applicant’s request for M-1A AH (Light Industrial District with Airport Hazard Overlay).


Mailed notification as required by state statute:

Public hearing notices were sent to owners of 2 properties within 200 feet of the request. To date, the city has received no responses.


Resource Links:

                     Chapter 144, Sec. 3.4-1 (APD) of the City’s Code of Ordinances: <>

                     Chapter 144, Sec. 3.4-18 (M-1A) of the City’s Code of Ordinances: <>