PRESENTER: Presenter
Applicant: Troy Vater, ASA Properties
SP24-0423 Proposed amendments to the Veramendi Sector Plan 3 within Precinct 16-2, related to Comal County Flowage Easement
DEPARTMENT: Planning and Development Services
Case Number: SP24-0423
Applicant: Troy Vater, (512) 797-8166,
Engineer: Jocelyn Perez, P.E., (830) 632-5633,
Staff Contact: Mary Lovell, (830) 221-4051,
Veramendi is a 2,445-acre mixed-use development and is located north of Loop 337, east of the Oak Run Subdivision, south of Hueco Springs Loop Road, and west of the Guadalupe River. The development is subject to the Veramendi Development Agreement that was made between the New Braunfels and Word-Borchers Ranch Joint Venture and approved by City Council on February 25, 2013. Sector Plan 3 encompasses approximately 176 acres of land in the north-western section of Veramendi.
This amendment relates only to Precinct 16, Unit 2 which is located between the future extension of Hill Country Drive to the south, and the project boundary to the north. To the west is Precinct 16, Unit 1 of Veramendi which is largely built out, with the future Regional Park #2 and Blieders Creek Linear Open Space to the east.
The applicant is requesting alternative development standards to Sector Plan 3, in response to constraints associated with the Comal County Flowage Easement. A flowage easement is a legal agreement that allows for the flooding of land for specific purposes, such as maintaining a dam or controlling water levels. Previously, the initial plan was to include additional roads, blocks and lots. However, since the easement cannot be built upon, the developer is amending Sector Plan 3 to reduce the number of previously planned roads which further results in increased block length and changes to the length of a park fronting a street.
Alternative Development Standards
The applicant’s proposed Alternative Development Standards (ADS) facilitate the proposed layout that considers the Comal County Flowage Easement. Strikeouts of text below are deletions and underlined text below is an addition to the current standards. Following each ADS, is the applicant’s justification for the alternative development standard.
ADS#1 Part E, Section 13, Sector Design Code, 13.3.3 Blocks, Block Length 2.1
Block length, except where abutting SH Loop 337 ROW, shall not exceed:
• 550 ft. where within 1.4 mile of the Town Center or Neighborhood Center Planning Areas, excluding Blocks 58, 60, 64, 75, 76, 77 & 79 within Sector Plan 3;
• 750 ft. in the balance of the project unless otherwise set forth herein, excluding Blocks 48 51 & 53 within Sector Plan 3; or
• outside a ¼ of the Town Center 850 ft. where 60 percent of the lot frontages on a street are 100 ft. or greater.
Applicant’s justification: “Sector Plan 3, includes an approved Alternate Development Standard for Block 51, which is included within Precinct 16-2. This amendment proposes to request that the exception be instead applied to Block 48 (Block 51 complies with the DDCD requirement). Block 53 has been designed out as part of the amendment so the reference to it has been removed from the draft alternative development standard.
The length of Block 48 directly responds to the fact that the Block abuts land outside of the Project and providing a mid-block break would provide a pathway that would stub out at the property line and would ultimately result in a concealed portion of land that is unlikely to be utilized by the public to circulate throughout the community. Future pedestrian and bicycle connections to land outside of the Project, should it be developed later, can be achieved via Blieders Creek.
While Development Standard 2.4 does not state a specific length, it does allow for blocks adjoining the Project boundary to be wider in length. The proposal to have Block 48 exceed 750 ft is in keeping with allowances that have been permitted in similar cases throughout the Project. The proposed block structure will facilitate larger lots.”
ADS #2 Part G, Section 26, Park Use Code, 26.3.4 Neighborhood Parks, Location 1.3
For that part of a park’s perimeter that does not share a common lot like with a Park Planning Area, the Guadalupe River or a school use, a minimum of 50% of the park’s perimeter shall abut a minor roadway, except for Park 20 in Sector Plan 3, which shall be a minimum of 25 percent, and Park 15 in Sector Plan 3, which shall be a minimum of 10 percent, when park improvements, such as play equipment and shelters, are located in proximity to the street.
Applicant’s justification: “Sector Plan 3, includes an Alternate Development Standard which allowed Park 20 to have a reduced road frontage due to the park being surrounded by linear open space causing a significant constraint to achieve a minimum 50 percent road frontage (PZ20-0094). Similarly, Park 15 has a similar constraint due to the park only having road frontage on one side. This is because the park abuts future parkland, and the increased depth of the adjoining residential lots is necessary due to site-specific drainage easement requirements. Due to the depth of the lot, and that it will ultimately be part of a larger park network, Park 15 remains visible to the street, with improvements being located closer to Street H”.
The applicant’s proposed amendments allow for the continued advancement of the Veramendi project under the Development Agreement and are consistent with the following actions from Envision New Braunfels:
• Action 1.3: Encourage balanced and fiscally responsible land use patterns.
• Action 3.13: Cultivate an environment where a healthy mix of different housing products at a range of sizes, affordability, densities, amenities and price points can be provided across the community as well as within individual developments.
• Action 4.1: Ensure parks and green spaces are within a one mile walk or bicycle ride for every household in New Braunfels.
• Action 7.9: Enact/enforce maximum block size limitations
☐Economic Mobility ☒Enhanced Connectivity ☐Community Identity
☐Organizational Excellence ☒Community Well-Being ☐N/A
• Community Well-Being - Objective: Develop capital and staffing investments that improve safety, reduce heat islands, and encourage transportation modes that support healthier lifestyles and exercise such as biking, walking and running.
Staff recognizes the constraints associated with the Comal County Flowage Easement and supports the applicant’s proposed Alternative Development Standards #1 and #2 and as such, recommends approval of the Major Amendment to Veramendi Sector Plan 3, with the following condition:
1. Provide staff with updated Exhibit Maps and a revised Development & Design Control Document (DDCD).
Mailed Notification pursuant to state statute:
Public hearing notices were mailed to 42 owners of property within 200 feet of the subject property. To date, staff has not received any responses.
Resource Links:
• Development Agreement, Sector Plans and Standards <>