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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/10/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall - Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-103 1A) ProclamationCareer and Technical Education Month   Action details Video Video
25-75 1B) ProclamationEngineers Week   Action details Video Video
25-102 1C) ProclamationNational LULAC Week   Action details Video Video
25-147 1A) ResolutionApproval of the January 27, 2025 minutes to the regular and executive session council meeting.approved  Action details Not available
25-138 1B) PresentationApproval of a FY 2025 budget amendment for the General Fund and the 2013 Bond Fund to reallocate the purchase of heavy equipment.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-121 2C) ReportApproval of an Option and Lease Agreement between the City and The Towers, LLC for the installation of a cellular communications tower located on approximately 2,180 square feet out of the 2.327 acre parcel addressed as 2210 Alyssa Way.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-123 1D) ReportApproval of an Option and Lease Agreement between the City and The Towers, LLC for the installation of a cellular communications tower located on approximately 2,500 square feet out of the 4.99-acre parcel addressed as 155 South Water Lane.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-151 1E) PresentationApproval of a purchase with EZ-Go RXV for (64) Golf Carts, EZ-Go RXV Passenger golf cart (1), EZ-Go Utility Hauler (1) for the Landa Park Golf Course through a Buy Board Contract and the associated budget amendment, and to declare the equipment being traded in as surplus.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-162 2F) ResolutionApproval of a purchase with SHI, Inc for new for time-keeping software, timeclock hardware (including one year of warranty and support services), as well as integration and implementation services with the City’s new ERP software, to include a SaaS contract with ZKT for the timeclock software, and to declare the trade-in equipment as surplus.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-179 1G) ReportApproval of the issuance of an invitation for competitive sealed proposals for a perimeter fence at the New Braunfels National Airport.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-161 1H) ResolutionApproval of a FY 2025 Budget Amendment totaling $160,000 for the River Activities Fund to support projects in preparation for the 2025 River Season.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-142 2I) ResolutionApproval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Advance Funding Agreement between the City of New Braunfels and the Texas Department of Transportation for the North Solms Road improvements project.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-07 1J) OrdinanceApproval of the first and final reading of an ordinance ordering a Regular Election to be held in the City of New Braunfels on May 3, 2025, for the Regular City Officers; and establishing Early Voting Locations and Election Day Polling Places for this Election; and making provisions for the conduct of the Election.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-139 1K) OrdinanceApproval of the second and final reading of an ordinance regarding an amendment to Chapter 118 Subdivision Platting, Section 118-30. - Certificates and statements.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-140 1L) OrdinanceApproval of the second and final reading of an ordinance to rezone approximately 17 acres out of the Freiheit 2 Subdivision, Block 4, Lots 2, 3, and 4, from R-2 AH (Single Family and Two-Family Airport Hazard Overlay District) to MU-B AH SUP (High-Intensity Mixed Use Airport Hazard Overlay District with a Special Use Permit to allow Industrial and Commercial Uses), currently addressed at 622 South Kowald Lane.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-149 1M) OrdinanceApproval of the second and final reading of an ordinance to rezone approximately 10.43 acres out of the Orilla Russell Survey, Abstract No. 485, from APD AH (Agricultural/Pre-development Airport Hazard Overlay District) to M-1A AH (Light Industrial Airport Hazard Overlay District), currently addressed at 3137 FM 1102.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-141 1N) OrdinanceApproval of the second and final reading of an ordinance to rezone 0.55 acres out of the Unicorn Heights Subdivision, Extension 4, Lot 13, from C-3 (Commercial District) to C-3 SUP (Commercial District with a Special Use Permit for Auto Body Repair), currently addressed at 950 IH 35 South.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-166 1A) OrdinanceDiscuss and consider the first reading of an ordinance to amend Section 126-354 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of New Braunfels to establish a new parking by permit area on a portion of South Academy Avenue and West Cross Street.deniedFail Action details Video Video
25-11 1B) PresentationDiscuss and consider the approval of a resolution requesting financial assistance from the Texas Water Development Board in an amount not to exceed $25,000,000 to provide costs related to the Lead Service Line Replacement Program and resolving other matters incident and related thereto.approvedFail Action details Video Video
25-148 1C) OrdinancePublic hearing and first reading of an ordinance amendment adding childcare allowances to Chapter 144 Zoning, Sec. 144-3.4-17, C-O commercial office district and Sec. 144-4.2, Land Use Matrix.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-128 1D) RecommendationDiscuss and consider the approval of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of New Braunfels and Comal County Water Improvement District No. 3 relating to the District’s Waiver of an amount equal to a portion of its sales tax receipts.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-127 2E) RecommendationDiscuss and consider the approval of a Chapter 380 Economic Development Agreement between the City of New Braunfels, Texas and Costco Wholesale Corporation in an amount up to $1.5 million of the City’s share of the sales tax generated from the Costco property over a term not to exceed 8 years.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-129 1F) RecommendationDiscuss and consider the approval of a Chapter 380 Economic Development Agreement between the City of New Braunfels, Texas and Costco Wholesale Corporation in an amount equal to up to $6.3 million of the Comal County Water Improvement District No. 3’s share of the sales tax generated from the Costco property over a term not to exceed 20 years.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-165 1A) PresentationPresentation and discussion on potential transportation projects for federal and state funding opportunities.   Action details Video Video
24-1569 1B) PresentationPresentation regarding amending the city's ordinance for dangerous dogs and rabies control.   Action details Not available
25-154 1C) PresentationPresentation, update and possible direction on the Land Development Ordinance.   Action details Not available
25-163 1A) PresentationDeliberate and consider the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, in accordance with Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code: · Recreational Facilities · A-154 SUR-34 H FOSTER - ACRES: 0.942, 1.169, 1.14, 1.0, and 2.437   Action details Not available
25-195 1B) Executive Session CaptionDeliberate pending/contemplated litigation, settlement offer(s), and matters concerning privileged and unprivileged client information deemed confidential by Rule 1.05 of the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct in accordance with Section 551.071, of the Texas Government Code, including but not limited to: · Federal Telecommunications Act   Action details Not available