Christopher J. Looney, Planning and Community Development Director
Contact Info
Subject Header
Public hearing and first reading of an ordinance zoning approximately 151 acres out of the Sarah Dewitt Survey, Abstract 103, Guadalupe County, located on the southeast corner of FM 1044 and W. Klein Road, to “C-1B” General Business District.
Case No.: PZ-18-038
Council District: 2
Owner/Applicant: City of New Braunfels and New Braunfels Parks Foundation
550 Landa Street
New Braunfels, TX 78131
Staff Contact: Holly Mullins
(830) 221-4054
The subject property is a vacant, unplatted tract located at the southeast corner of the intersection of FM 1044 and W. Klein Road. Annexation of the property was approved by City Council on September 24, 2018.
The initial zoning of the property is being proposed as “C-1B” General Business District. C-1B is appropriate at the intersection of two arterials and allows for uses such as outdoor amusement services, athletic fields, retail and services. The Athletic Fields Master Plan and Sports Fields Feasibility Study identify the site as the location of a future sports complex.
Adjacent property to the east is owned by the New Braunfels Independent School District and is currently zoned C-1B. Other adjacent property is outside the city limits.
General Information:
Size: 151.0 acres
Surrounding Zoning and Land Use:
North - Across W. Klein Road, outside city limits/ Single-family residences
South - Outside city limits/ Undeveloped
East - C-1B / New Braunfels Middle School
West - Across FM 1044, outside city limits/ Undeveloped
An area of approximately 5.55 acres along the northeast edge of the property is within the 1% annual chance flood zone (100-year floodplain).
Regional Transportation Plan:
W. Klein Road is designated as a Minor Arterial with a 120-foot wide right-of-way. A City widening project for Klein Road is currently underway. FM 1044 is designated as a Parkway with a right-of-way width up to 200 feet. The current right-of-way width of FM 1044 is 80 feet. The Regional Transportation Plan also indicates two proposed minor collectors on or adjacent to the subject property. Dedication of additional right-of-way in compliance with the Plan will be evaluated when the property is platted.
Determination Factors:
In making a decision on zoning, the following factors are to be considered:
§ Whether the permitted uses will be appropriate in the immediate area, and their relationship to the area and to the City as a whole (C-1B zoning is intended for areas located along or at the intersection of major collectors or thoroughfares. The proposed zoning is appropriate for this location and is compatible with surrounding zoning.);
§ Whether the change is in accord with any existing or proposed public schools, streets, water supply, sanitary sewers, and other utilities to the area (The proposed zoning should not conflict with existing and proposed schools, street, or utilities in the area.);
§ How other areas designated for similar development will be affected (The proposed zoning should not impact other areas designated for similar development.);
§ Any other factors that will substantially affect the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare (There should be no other factors that will substantially affect the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare.); and
§ Whether the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan (The request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. It is situated along a Transitional Mixed Use Corridor and is adjacent to an existing Educational Center. It is also within a Future Market Center and Future Civic Center.)
City Plan/Council Priority: Envision New Braunfels |
Action 2.31 Encourage youth amenities that keep families in town. The proposed zoning would allow for the potential intended use which would meet the local community needs for baseball, softball, soccer, lacrosse, football and rugby for both youth and adults. Action 4.3 Ensure adequate facilities in number and in size for local citizen use, and to attract outside markets for tournaments and conventions. C-1B would allow the intended use which would be a driver for the economy and complement the adjacent school use. Action 3.3 Balance commercial centers with stable neighborhoods. C-1B at the subject location would maintain nodal commercial development patterns reserving areas in between for stable neighborhoods. |
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 7, 2018 and voted to recommend approval of the zoning. (7-0-0 with Commissioners Nolte and Mathis absent)
Staff recommends approval of the proposed zoning as it is consistent with zoning and existing development in the surrounding area, lies within a Future Market Center and Future Civic Center, is at the intersection of two arterials, and meets Strategies/Actions of Envision New Braunfels.
Public hearing notices were sent to the owner of 1 property within 200 feet of the request. The Planning Division has not yet received a response.
1. Aerial Map
2. Application
3. Existing Centers Map
4. Land Use Maps (Zoning, Existing Land Use, Future Land Use Plan)
5. Notification Map and List
6. Sec. 3.4-13 C-1B
7. Photograph
8. Ordinance